I proudly present a new range of topics in coorperation with a very experienced skin and vein expert, Dr. Patrick Sander. We decided to start the new series with >Spider veins<, because a lot of women are concerned and want to get rid of them. The expert says: Spider veins are abnormally visible cutaneous blood vessels on the lower limbs. Althought spider veins are very commun and cannot be judged as a severe illness, they make us feel very uncomfortable especially in summer. Despite of new therapeutics aprroaches like lasers, sclerotherapy is still the traditional and most used treatment. Sclerotherapy induces a inflammation reaction of the vessels followed up by healing processes up to a disappearance. An unique therapy-session may be enough for the smaller vessels, however, for bigger ones two or several sessions are needed. For an successful treatment, special manual and technical skills are required, otherwise the treatment ist followed by adverse sequelae, complications and bad cosmetical results. The best results are generally achieved in combinating lasers with a classic sclerotherapy. Furthermore a compression therapy after the treatment is important, says the skin and vein expert, Dr. Sander (Frankfurt/Dietzenbach).

The autumn and winter seasons are suitable seasons for an outstanding treatment and next summer legs can be showed.

You will find further informations and answers to many other questions all around the topic „skin“ on http://hautinfo.de.

In the following post we will talk about articial nails and what that means for our natural nails – exciting question!


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