Most women and men in Germany would like to exchange their paleness for a tan in the summer.  The results of the current IKW survey show what they are willing to achieve a tanned skin.  Unfortunately, the sun protection is sometimes neglected. 

Kissed by the sun – this is how the majority of the participants in the IKW survey* like their skin in  summer: 42 percent would have liked to have tanned their skin slightly.  They find that they’ll look fresher straight away.  And 19 percent even prefer a slightly more intense tan.  However, only very few – namely 4 percent – perceive deeply tanned skin as beautiful.  But there are also those who are quite satisfied with their complexion: 21 percent like their normal skin tone and want to keep it in the summer, although men are more satisfied than women.

IKW Sonnenschutz


How can the preference for tanned skin be explained?  Quite simply: Many then feel more beautiful – 45 percent of the respondents in the survey.  And almost a quarter think that their summer outfits look even better with the right tan.  This is particularly important for younger people: While 34 percent of 18 to 29 year olds think it is good that their summer styling looks even better with their darker complexion, this relationship is becoming less important for those over 50.  Only 17 percent of this age group is concerned about it.  For men, on the other hand, the complexion also seems to be a kind of status symbol: almost 25 percent of the male respondents like to be able to show through their own tan that they spend a lot of time in the sun or have been on vacation.

In order to achieve the desired “summer glow”, half of the men and women surveyed prefer sunbathing, 11 percent use self-tanners and only a few (8 percent) go to the tanning salon. After all, 43 percent of all survey participants feel most comfortable in the shade.  But here, too, there are differences: the elderly prefer the shade with 56 percent significantly more than the younger ones with 30.

Tanned skin is nice, but sun protection should still not be overlooked.  Unfortunately, some people don’t take it too seriously when it comes to applying sunscreen: To get tan, 41 percent of those surveyed sometimes use sunscreen with a low sun protection factor or do without sunscreen at all.  9 percent even say that they always avoid sunscreen.  Their argument: A real tan can only be achieved after sunburn.

IKW Sonnenschutz


Birgit Huber, Head of the Beauty Care Competence Partner at IKW: “As before, tanned skin is the dream complexion for many people in the summer because it makes them feel more attractive.  Unfortunately, it is sometimes forgotten that the sun’s rays can also damage the skin.  Sun protection of the skin, for example with sunscreen, is therefore important at any time of the year in order to prevent skin damage or skin diseases.

For more information on the correct use of sunscreens, see Sun protection for the skin – golden rules and tips.  This video provides tips on sun protection for babies and children.  There are additional recommendations under Sun protection for babies and toddlers – what you need to consider to protect your child.

*Representative Survey, made by von Lönneker & Imdahl rheingold salon, on behalf of IKW, Juli 2021

Also find in interessenting Article about Sun and Sun-Protection on

Summer, sun & SUN PROTECTION



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