What I like the most in the days of August and September: plum cake – the one from the baking tray with little dough, lots of fruit and in the best case a large portion of cream on top!

What I do not like about the plum season is baking it by myself and bothering wasps that want to join my cake. For granted, there are far better bakers than me, and that’s why I like to leave the wide plum cake field to those who really understand what’s about.

Nevertheless I really enjoy swinging the wooden spoon, especially in moments where there is time for a stress-free preparation, if-yes-if that’s the case, I’ll just try things that I can imagine will work well together and end up as a delicious dish. So without a cookbook, not even with a squint, look, modify or anything else. So what’s closer in the plum season to compose a main course with plums.

I used the following ingredients:

2 zucchini

400 gr. minced meat (e.g. mixed)

1 red onion

1 cup bacon cube

Apx. 8 plums, pitted, in cubes

3 heaped tablespoons plum jam

1 heaped tablespoon mascarpone

1 chilli pepper

Grated mozzarella cheese for gratinating


Wash the zucchini, pat dry, cut lengthways and hollow out. Blanch separately for a short time, depending on the desired strength. Cube the meat of 1 zucchini, onion and prunes. Fry the minced meat in the pan, add the onions and fry. Then add the bacon cubes. When everything is well browned, add the zucchini meat and the chilli pepper and simmer a little. Then fold in the prunes and add the spoon of mascarpone. Once the mascarpone cream has melted, add the plum jam and then season all to taste with salt and pepper.

Now fill the prepared zucchini halves, sprinkle with grated mozzarella as desired and put them into the oven for 20 minutes at 150 ° C. As a side dish I have chosen a flatbread, which I put in the oven 5 minutes before finish.

During the cooking time, I brought the kitchen back into shape and decorated the table 😊.

Drinks and food should always be also a feast for the eyes!

Knowing about the plum

In Germany we have a different word for bigger and smaller plums, that is „Pflaume“ for the big and „Zwetsche“ for the smaller plums. Anyway. Both contain various vitamins from the B group (good for the nerves) in addition to provitamin A, vitamins C and E. Their high fructose content quickly delivers energy, their shell contains valuable fiber, and they also contain iron, magnesium and potassium. Copper, zinc and important minerals, that’s why they were already considered a healing fruit by the Romans, which is why they should help against constipation.

So then, let’s taste the plum season.

Find here my recipe for pasta with Bolognese sauce.


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