


Happy Holidays Lovelys! Palm trees, beach and sea – these days, many of you are looking forward to that long-awaited holiday-dream to get a longer break and preferably far away.  I‘m same way and always plan my suitcase in spirit weeks before, consider what I still lack and how I combine…

Happy Holidays Ihr Lieben! Palmen, Strand und Meer – in diesen Tagen geht für viele der lang ersehnte Traum nach einer längeren Verschnaufpause in Erfüllung und am liebsten weit weit weg. Ich plane meinen Koffer im Geiste schon Wochen vorher, überlege, was mir noch fehlt und wie ich die schönen Sommeroutfits…

Neulich bei meinem Friseur: Gerade stecke ich mit meinem Hairstylisten mitten im großen Frauen-Ü50-Thema >FALTEN<. Da schaut der Kopf vom Platz gegenüber am Spiel vorbei und die Dame sagt grinsend: „Habe gleich einen Termin eine Etage höher. Kann ich sehr empfehlen, sollten sie auch mal machen. Hinterher sehen sie ganz…

A box full of surprise and happiness! But first back to the beginning within a few basic notes. How the boxing subscriptions work The basic principle is easily explained: By ordering a“ boxing „subscription, you regularly get a surprise in your house. Most subscription versions are flexible, that means you…

After the cold season our desire for a shining complexion is unbelievably big! We do not just want to put away the thick clothes and socks and bring out the fashion summer, no, we also want to get rid of the pale and tired undertone of the facial skin. Contrary…

A serum for me is the thurst quencher and pure food for my face. It’s the first thing I apply after cleansing. My experience is that serums become more important as you get older. Good serums bring the property with it, except the optimal basic supply to achieve a smoothing…

I think I am the first woman 50Plus who can write for an exclusive beauty platform and yes, that makes me very proud! „Anti-aging talk“ among us. From woman to woman 50Plus – how wonderful!